Home sweet home! Am back at hometown, KK since Christmas Eve's night and my days at here have been great with my family and friends. It always excites me whenever it's time to back to home. One thing for sure, I know I will be stuffed with lotsa mommy's home cooked foods and also other foods that only can be found at KK! =D Hope it's not too late to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! (Well, it's late better than never :p)

Alright enough with craps, I shall share more about my days at here on separate blogpost. For now, I would like to share with you guys about this amazing product - L'oreal Renewal Eyelash Serum - courtesy of OnlyBeauty! Oh wait, if you have not heard of OnlyBeauty yet, you better hop to www.onlybeauty.com.my because you will never know what are the surprises awaiting you at there! Just so you know that OnlyBeauty is Malaysia's Best Sampling Website that gives beauty product samples for FREE! It's FREE and no payment needed!
I was truly excited when I was given this L'oreal Renewal Eyelash Serum for I have never heard of this and have no idea how it works! It comes in simple yet lovely blue packaging. Who would have thought by just simple 2 steps, you could get amazingly stunning eyes with thicker and healthier eyelashes?

Yup, it's just as simple as that. First, apply to the root of the lashes like a liner with the tip of the applicator. Next, apply to the whole length of the lashes with the curved part of the applicator. Tadaa! You're so going to love the result after used it for a month. I have used it for a month and still continue applying it morning and night time.

To be frank, I actually can see the significant difference on my lash after the second week. My lashes getting thicker than how it were and surprisingly no more falling off. Yup, I am not sure if it works on strengthen the lashes roots but it does wonder on my lashes. What's more amazing? I can't help but adore how my lashes look like after apply it with the mascara after used it for this long! Falsie lashes become an unnecessary needs to me.

Now watcha waiting for? Why not get yours on OnlyBeauty? All you need to do is just head on to OnlyBeauty and sign up as members and voila! You will get to enjoy the benefits of trying out the beauty samples too! Afraid of trying out new products? Please don't be as you can always refer to all the reviews from members who have tried on it! =D
Be sure to follow OnlyBeauty updates on their facebook page HERE!
Be sure to follow OnlyBeauty updates on their facebook page HERE!